Maranta Pret

Preturi pentru plante de apartament de la 5 98 lei.
Maranta pret. Creşte la 12 15 cm înălţime şi în sol prezintă un rizom scurt cu rădăcini fine. Maranta leuconeura also known as prayer plant is a species of flowering plant in the family marantaceae native to the brazilian tropical forests. Marantha creste pana la o inaltime de circa 45 cm generand 5 6 frunze noi pe an. It is a variable rhizomatous perennial growing to 30 cm 12 in tall and broad with crowded clumps of evergreen strikingly marked oval leaves each up to 12 cm 5 in long.
Cumpara maranta planta care se roaga pentru casa cu vas decorativ inclus de la emag. How to care for prayer plants members of the maranta family like calathea ctenanthe maranta or stromanthe species 1. The plant gets its common name from the fact that its leaves stay flat during the day then fold up like praying hands at night. Maranta si a primit numele dupa cel al lui bartolomeo maranti un botanist venetian celebru in secolul al saisprezecelea si provine din america centrala si de sud.
Named for bartolomeo maranta an italian physician and botanist of the sixteenth century the maranta genus includes a few dozen low growing plants native to the american tropics. O floare mica alba apare vara dar planta este decorativa prin frunzele sale si nu prin flori. A lot of prayer plants grow good on bright to light shaded places with some morning or evening sun. The maranta maranta leucomeura is a pet friendly prayer plant known for its dramatic foliage.
La dedeman puteti alege oricare din cele 92 produse din categoria plante de apartament. The leaves of the aptly named prayer plant maranta leuconeura in the plant family marantaceae fold in the evening resembling hands clasped in prayer before opening in the morning. Maranta leuconeura are creştere joasă mai mult pe orizontală cu frunzele lungi de 10 18 cm şi late de 6 8 cm lung peţiolate de culoare verde închis cu desene interesante. If your maranta fades in color or becomes washed out it might be receiving too much direct sun.